Like weaving, knitting is a technique for producing a two-dimensional fabric from a one-dimensional yarn or thread. In this brief article we aim to just give a basic understanding of knitting needles, their sizing and what you need to look out for.
In knitting you are often counting your stitches and focusing on nothing more than the stitches being created and the count itself. The fact that knitting is such an easily portable activity also allows for us to mitigate stressful situations. It is very easy to learn the process of making sock using the sock-knitting machine.
Flat knitting is usually used to knit flat pieces like scarves, blankets, afghans, and the backs and fronts of sweaters. There is a cylinder with slots for the needles in the machine and the needles have latches. Once you have cast on, hold the knitting needle with the cast on stitches in your left hand.
Most new knitters should start with some of the basic patterns listed above and work on mastering basic stitches. We hope you found the information here inspiring, please have a look around this site for more great info.