Saturday, May 10, 2008

how to knit using long loom

Now it's a fun, creative hobby for anyone. Knitting consists of loops called stitches pulled through each other.

The knitting yarn will look like it is at the front and you will now take it to the back and start the second row of transferring stitches to the empty right needle. You should hold classes on a regular basis, such as once per week, biweekly, or once a month. After all, it is the experience of knitting that we are seeking, more so than the finished-object.

Various tools have been developed to make hand-knitting easier. Although the new stitch is itself unsecured ("active"), it secures the stitch(es) suspended from it. The number of rows should be counted when the carrier goes around the cylinder, while knitting.

Knitting from a normal hank directly is likely to tangle the yarn, producing snarls. Other factors include allergenicity; speed of drying; resistance to chemicals, moths, and mildew; melting point and flammability; retention of static electricity; and the propensity to become stained and to accept dyes.

It doesn't all happen at once. You'll be amazed at how much faster the second, third, and fourth version of the same pattern can be.

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