In very simple cases, knitting can be done without tools, using only the fingers to do these tasks; however, knitting is usually carried out using tools such as knitting needles, knitting machines or rigid frames. When I have spent hours working on knitting a sweater, I want to make sure it looks as good after a dozen washes as it did the day I was knitting it.
In knitting, there is the concept of gauge and it means the number of stitches in a given length. I hope you could follow my guide to caring for your knitted items. A second potential difficulty is that the knitted piece will slide off the tapered end of the needles when unattended; this is prevented by "point protectors" that cap the tapered ends.
You could even teach a "keep up" class where people who have completed all three classes meet once a month or bimonthly to keep in touch with knitting. The great thing about making a knit baby blanket is that it can be made in any color to fit the color scheme of the baby's room. If the fibers are first aligned by combing them, the yarn is smoother and called a worsted; by contrast, if the fibers are carded but not combed, the yarn is fuzzier and called woolen-spun.
The second type of knitting needles are straight, double-pointed knitting needles (also called "dpns"). Patterns and motifs are coarser with thicker yarns; thicker yarns produce bold visual effects, whereas thinner yarns are best for refined patterns.
Brainstorm, and figure out which way of teaching would be best for you and your students! Knit it like you would knit any stitch.
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