Monday, April 27, 2009

baby blanket knit crochet

Knitting is the oldest craft among all the crafts. I wanted to set out some basic knitting instructions as a refresher so here it is.

You can also choose between circular needles and straight needles. You should always use the same tape measure when making a garment. The earliest examples of this technique are thought to have been knitted around 1850.

The most important property of needles is their diameter, which ranges from below 2 mm to 25 mm (roughly 1 inch). As well, I like to be able to spread my work out and check my pattern for any mistakes and it is much easier to view when using these needles. There is some merit to leaving the error in place.

Even if you're a pretty proficient knitter, this isn't the time to learn a new technique or work with a skinny fingering-weight yarn that will take forever to knit up. Be sure to try using other available resources, such as local craft and hobby stores.

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